zondag 29 januari 2017

De dekreu is bekend

Het is officieel:  de dekreu is bekend

Wanneer Chanti loops wordt, zal ik met haar naar Tsjechie afreizen om de mooie blonde reu Aik Carpathia Heart te bezoeken. Hij is in 2016 IHF kampioen geworden.

Aik is geboren op 28 april 2013
Vader: Ecco vom Tyrolsberg
Moeder: Ch. Aimie Sagbariam
OCD: clear
Heart: 9/2015 OK
Thyroid: 9/2015 OK
Eye tests: 10/2015 clear
Height: 68 cm

Aik is really a big personality. He is totaly stable, has no problem with anything - neither with people he doesn't know, nor with dogs. He is perfect
to handle on shows, acting like a professional from the beginning even without training. He enjoys shows and likes to be in the centre of 
attention. He learns obedience really fast and loves defences. His favourite activity, after eating, is to play with Keny and have some ball to play with in his mouth.

Meer weten over Aik?

Wanneer u geïnteresseerd bent in een pup van deze mooie combinatie, kunt u contact opnemen via: c.v.zaanen@hotmail.com

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